
Honeywell Thermostat Turning OFF (Reasons With Fixes) 2024

honeywell thermostat shut off

The last 5 days were very difficult for me. The reason behind this was my Honeywell thermostat. Yes, you heard it right! My Honeywell thermostat keeps turning OFF and ON without giving any warning. I was so tensed and confused at the same time.

I mean my thermostat has shown issues like cool on not working or heat on blinking but this? I had no clue regarding this. The strategy that I adopted was the same, first I searched all the relevant platforms to gather the information and then I contacted some of my friends to get more in-depth knowledge regarding the issue.

If Your Honeywell Thermostat Turns Off By Itself Then It Could Happen Due To Many Reasons Which Involve The Presence Of Faulty Components, Unresponsive Screen Of Your Thermostat, Thermostat Heating Or Its Short Cycling.

These reasons could make your thermostat to get turn OFF frequently than required.


In this article, I will tell you about all the possible reasons for the occurrence of this error along with their solutions. The reasons which are specified for one problem could also be involved in another problem. It means the reasons behind the problems of every smart product could be somehow the same.


Following are the reasons due to which Honeywell thermostat shut off.

  1. Broken thermostat
  2. Insufficient ventilation in the AC
  3. Plugged condensate line
  4. Insufficient refrigerant in the system
  5. Short-cycling

It is difficult to know what is actually causing your thermostat to keep shutting down. So it is better to carry out a series of steps to troubleshoot the problem.


By following the troubleshooting steps you could make your thermostat to get back into the working position. These steps could also solve the problems which are not seen on the frontend but are existing in the system. So it is better to follow the below mentioned steps.


Following are some troubleshooting methods that could prove to be useful.

  1. INSUFFICIENT ADEQUATE AIRFLOW:Honeywell thermostat turning on and off

The first and most common reason for your thermostat getting turned off is the lack of airflow. Low airflow could cause your thermostat to turn off without issuing any warning. Make sure your thermostat is receiving sufficient amount of airflow. This insufficient airflow could be due to many reasons and some of them are mentioned below.



It is very important that you get your thermostat’s filters changed more often. If filters are being used more than their lifetime then they will eventually get dirty and could hold heat within them which could lead to the overheating of thermostat. It is advised to change the filters approximately after 90 days.


Air supply vents also play a very important role in the proper functioning of your thermostat. You need to check the air supply vents whether they are closed or blocked. You also need to do one thing and that is to keep all the vents open even if they aren’t in use. Sufficient heat will not be provided if required amount of air is not received through the air vents.


You can say that the presence of a dirty blower wheel can also cause your thermostat to keep turning off without any warning. The blower has sharp blades that are used to push the air but if these blades get clogged with dirt then their performance will eventually drop.

So it is better if you clean the blower wheel on regular basis and replace the air filters more often. If you don’t follow this practice then get ready to pay a fortune to get the issue resolved.


Other reason for insufficient airflow includes defective ducts. However, inspecting the ducts is not as easy task to perform so make sure that you take professional help for this cause.

  1. THERMOSTAT GETTING OVERHEATED:honeywell thermostat heat on

Your thermostat works hard to keep the temperature of the room according to your preference. If it starts working more than required to keep the optimal temperature then you will definitely see your thermostat getting overheated.

As you know you have provided a set temperature value to the thermostat. If the temperature exceeds that value then the thermostat will automatically turn OFF in order to save the thermostat from any further damage. After being cool down, it will again turn ON.

  1. SHORT-CYCLING:honeywell thermostat turning on and off reasons

Before going on further, you need to understand what exactly short-cycling is. When your HVAC system cycles around continuous ON and OFF, it is known as short-cycling. Short-cycling can cause severe damage to the system as the constant ON and OFF cycle can cause immense damage to the internal components. Short-cycling also makes it hard for the thermostat to maintain a suitable and comfortable temperature of the room.


Turning off Honeywell thermostat might be due to short-cycling and short-cycling occurs due to the following reasons.


One definite reason for the occurrence of short-cycling is the blocked vents. The vents could be clogged with dirt or could be poorly installed which might lead you to this situation. Make sure all the vents are clean and clear especially the intake vent.


Another reason for the occurrence of short-cycling is the presence of filthy air-filters. The circulation of your system might get suffocated due to dirty and filthy air filters. This reduced airflow can create pressure on your system and can cause short-cycling to occur.


As you know there are always 2 categories of thermostats; one is the simple while the other is digital or we can also label it as a programmable thermostat. If you want to make a switch then now is the right time to do so. If you have purchased the smart thermostat then double-check the settings in order to ensure its proper working.

But make sure that you buy a thermostat that shows complete compatibility with your HVAC system. Reason being, short-cycling could also occur due to a defective connection.


Honeywell thermostat keeps shutting off due to the failure of your thermostat. Your HVAC system is controlled by your thermostat so if it keeps getting ON and OFF frequently then it means your thermostat might be broken. There could be multiple reasons for it.

  • The wiring needs replacement
  • The batteries need a replacement
  • The placement of your thermostat is wrong

If the reason is one of the above mentioned one then you need to consider taking some professional help to get the job done in the right way.

  1. AUTO-UPDATION OF YOUR THERMOSTAT:honeywell thermostat auto update

Smart thermostats need to get updated frequently. Their auto-update feature enables them to do so. However, if you have manually set the update even then your thermostat needs some time to complete the job.

The thermostat will start installing the updates as soon as it has finished downloading the updates. So during this time duration, your thermostat might turn off for a while to complete the task. This update feature could also answer your query of why did my Honeywell thermostat turn off.


Q – Why Does My Thermostat Turn Itself Off?
A – Honeywell thermostat turns off by itself due to various possible reasons which include:

  • Auto-update feature
  • Thermostat failure
  • Short-cycling
  • Overheating of your thermostat
  • Insufficient airflow

Q – Why Does My Thermostat Keep Shutting Off?
A – Your thermostat keeps shutting off due to overheating. The overheating phase occurs when your thermostat tries to perform more than its power. It eventually build pressure and as a result your thermostat gets overheated.

Q – How Often Do I Need To Replace The Air Filters?
A – The maximum duration for the replacement of your air filters is 90 days.


Buying a smart product is very easy but maintaining it and dealing with certain issues could get annoying most of the time. But dealing with thermostats’ issues is always a gain because it adds up to your technical knowledge so consider it worth it. We have provided all the relevant details regarding the topic, make sure to give it a proper read for a better understanding.


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